Monday, June 15, 2009

2008 Kuching Christmas Parade - 20/Dec

Actually it's been quite sometime which I've not updated my blog....2009 was a busy year for me to start with especially in my work and a lot of other things happened too...but will tell tell on that in my next write up. I've been meaning to add this in my blog since last year...procrastinate has got into me.
Oh yes...Christmas, the best season of the year. Mom was not around with us, she was with my brother Julian having a nice christmas vacation in KK. This is our first participation for Christmas parade. We didn't actually plan for it but the thought of a parade must be exciting and fun and also a good experience for the kids....and we were right. Everyone came wearing white except for us, we were in color t''s Christmas it should be colorfull right.

We gathered at Jubilee Ground and there were around 400 or more people participated from all churches in Kuching. The theme was 'Jesus is the light of the world'. The four of us joined the Holy Trinity Catholic Church group. The parade eventually started at 7pm and ended around 9pm. We walked for about 4 km around in Kuching City. The weather was nice and cool. Eventhough there were light showers of blessings but thank God it didn't rain heavily as it had been for the past couple of days prior to the event. We lighted our candles towards the night and the site was magnificent & radiant.

We sang Christmas Carols and bring cheers to everyone. This is what Christmas is all about, giving joy, peace and love to everyone no matter who they are and where they come from. If there's a parade again this year, definitely I'll be joining it again. Let us be glad and rejoice, for Jesus is our Light and our Saviour, let us have Him in our hearts and forever will be saved. Jesus Loves You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Da. Yes, if there's going to be one this year, I'll join the queue....:-)))

Che Ah